Sunday, October 29, 2006

Marta Gomez

Aunque suene raro, a Marta Gómez la he conocido, tres veces. La primera en octubre de 1998, cuando tocamos juntos un concierto en la Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá.

Luego conocí­ su música en la primavera del 2005, después de leer en El Tiempo una nota acerca de su nominación al Billboard.

Finalmente, el verano pasado me reuní­ con ella para conocer a la Marta que ha viajado por el mundo cantándole a la nostalgia. Espero que ustedes tengan el mismo placer al conocerla.

It sounds strange, but I have been introduced to Marta Gomez three different times. The first time was in October 1998 when we played a concert at Universidad Javeriana, Bogota.

Later, in Spring 2005, I was introduced to her music after reading about her Billboard nomination in El Tiempo, a Colombian newspaper.

Last summer I met with her again, and I was introduced to that Marta that travels around the world singing about nostalgia. I hope you have the same pleasure to meet her.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Notas Del Bajo Mundo (Intro)

Notas Del Bajo Mundo... Coming soon. A vlog about Colombian music and musicians.

This video was originally shared on by fifobass with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Por primiparos borramos el posting original entonces no se ve... pero arriba lo volvimos a publicar.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Coming Soon...
